Tuesday, February 26, 2008


Not about him exactly, just about his kiss. All through sixth hour I imagined his lips, his tongue, the sounds he made while I sucked his neck. Oh...
It makes my eyelids heavy and my tongue throb. I want that again. The way his tongue ring clicked against my teeth. His smell, and mmm that soft shirt. I don't want him, just his mouth, neck, upper body in general.

Now I'm thinking of all the great kisses I've experienced...and it hurts to say this, but Kidder isn't in that group.

Memorable kisses include :
My first - Drey
That night - Luke
The movie - Julian
The party - Jeffery

*My first kiss was amazing, even though it came from Drey. It still makes me all dreamy to remember it...I think it was only because it was my first kiss, because I remember kissing him after that and it was NOT as good. Maybe because I was cheating on Julian when it happened...

*That night with Luke, not the sex, but the kisses were awesome. Very slow and sweet. He tasted SO good. And he smelled even better.

*The movie - I think that was one of the first and only times I actually made out with Julian, but I remember thinking that he was outragously good at it. Even looking back now I know that he was one of the best kissers I've ever kissed.

*The party with Jeffery...well that can be read above.

People I've kissed - not in order :

*If pecks counted I'd have to add : Santana, Zack, and Trevor

Wow...eleven people in a two year span! Only nine if the girls aren't included though. And it'd be like 15 if pecks were counted. I wonder if Huber is a good kisser...? I don't even like him. I just want to kiss him. I want to kiss Scotty too...actually I just want to cuddle with him

I also want to kiss Green. I dreamed about him recently. He asked me out and I had to say no because I was dating Alexx, I remember feeling like crap about it because in the dream I REALLY liked him. Then there was something about an airport...

Note : This blog wasn't supposed to be about kisses. In fact it was supposed to be about Jeffery and me daydreaming about him.

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