Thursday, March 6, 2008

This is a

list of things that I want...I'll probably never get most of this, but hell, I want it anyway :

Stilleto converse - I don't know why exactly, but I want some. Pink preferably
To be a size 3 - 5 - for obvious reasons, I want cuter and better fitting clothes
A gasmask - just to say I have one, and for pictures
A corset - because if I can't be a size 5, I can at least appear to be one. And see above
A sidekick phone - it has a full keyboard
To slap/physically hurt Shelby Fogleman - because I hate her
Panties - I like them =)
For myspace to work right now - so I can listen to Umbrella
To be with Dylan - because I love him
To find out if Jake likes me - so I can stop THINKING about it
To bang or make out with Huber - just to get it over with
A perminate way home - because everything keeps falling through
My license - so I can be my own way home
A jeep like Megan's or a Beetle - I like them
A tutu - see reason for gas mask
To pass the GEE - obvious reasons
To love Scotty and have him love me - I don't know really
To go for a walk - I'll do that later

I am irritated right now - for no reason in particular. Myspace isn't working. I don't feel loving. I don't get to see Ethan for spring break. Catherine gets to drive before me - and Shelby gets to go to her house Friday. Laura has been acting stupid and annoying. I'm single, and I still don't know what I want - I will postpone getting back with Alexx for as long as I can. I hate Brandi, Kristen, Shelby, Marcus, Monique, Josh (Mexican), Danae, Chase, and Sweaty. That's only nine, which is a lot less than most people.

I do not believe that Ethan truly loves his girlfriend, it's clear that he likes her - considering he won't cheat on her - but I don't believe that they are in love. She must really be something.

I'm tired.

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