Friday, March 7, 2008

At least I'm not...

A claw foot tub =)

I get to see J E F F E R Y tonight!!! [[squeals of joy]] I'm tres excited.
He's not my rebound boy, he's my peirced tongue, you make me feel pretty - boy.
and I can kiss him and snuggle him and love up on him guilt free.

Don't get me wrong, I love Alexx, but I'm ready to play the feild. Test the water of other boys.
& Jeffery is my ocean.

EEEEE!!!!! I can't quit smiling!
=) Whoa, Jeffery Afemon and Julian Austin have the same intials. I s'pose when I refer to Julian in short I will have to use J.M.A. hehehe, J MA

Kidder is so...needy. Clingy. I don't like it. Ray was like that. Ugh.

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