Friday, February 15, 2008

( Hookie day )

Today is Friday, today I am not at school. This morning I woke up at 5:30 to beg my daddy to not make me spend one more day at that festering hell hole [[which I normally love]] because the past week has been utter shite. Which is odd, considering it was spirt week.

Yesterday was Valentines Day...and I don't think I've cried so much since my mother died. Why? Because I have never hated someone so much as I hated Mr. Lance that day...I've never wanted someone to die more. I do EVERYTHING he tells me to do in that class, I am constantly trying to impress him to get at least a C, and I volunteer when no one else will. And yet that FUCKER has the NERVE to sit me in the Twilight Zone and have me copy down questions on something I couldn't care less about because I'm not wearing the right shoes...I hate him. Honestly...I really do.

Besides that...people are SO stupid. Everyone [[well, a few]] have been so annoying lately that I just want to stab them. Including Laura, I don't know what my problem is with her. I think it's because through everything, I still feel that she's siding with Shelby. Whom might I add, has been hanging all over I smell a plot? I knew I could take another day around them all...I needed a break. So I got one.

Big Drivers Ed. test tomorrow...I cannot fail. If I fail the test I have to take the ENTIRE course over. No No No!!!! I'm actually going to study...and this thought excites me, if I pass this test, and then the real test...I get my PERMIT, which ultimatly leads to my LICENSE, which means I can DRIVE!!!! [[well, legally]] If all the dumbasses on the road have passed that test, I know I can. I know it.

I feel like doing my nails and taking a long, hot, bubble bath...yes. A day for myself. No school, no Alexx, no dad...just me, my blog, my music, and my thoughts. Ahh

Happy birthday Megan!!! In just a few hours I will be maxing and relaxing with all the awesome Bunkie peeps at Megans birthday party...and I will have FUN. And I will not think about school or anything else upsetting. I will bounce and sing and dance and enjoy my life again.

This is just a slump and I WILL get back to my old self...even if it kills me.

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