Tuesday, February 26, 2008


Not about him exactly, just about his kiss. All through sixth hour I imagined his lips, his tongue, the sounds he made while I sucked his neck. Oh...
It makes my eyelids heavy and my tongue throb. I want that again. The way his tongue ring clicked against my teeth. His smell, and mmm that soft shirt. I don't want him, just his mouth, neck, upper body in general.

Now I'm thinking of all the great kisses I've experienced...and it hurts to say this, but Kidder isn't in that group.

Memorable kisses include :
My first - Drey
That night - Luke
The movie - Julian
The party - Jeffery

*My first kiss was amazing, even though it came from Drey. It still makes me all dreamy to remember it...I think it was only because it was my first kiss, because I remember kissing him after that and it was NOT as good. Maybe because I was cheating on Julian when it happened...

*That night with Luke, not the sex, but the kisses were awesome. Very slow and sweet. He tasted SO good. And he smelled even better.

*The movie - I think that was one of the first and only times I actually made out with Julian, but I remember thinking that he was outragously good at it. Even looking back now I know that he was one of the best kissers I've ever kissed.

*The party with Jeffery...well that can be read above.

People I've kissed - not in order :

*If pecks counted I'd have to add : Santana, Zack, and Trevor

Wow...eleven people in a two year span! Only nine if the girls aren't included though. And it'd be like 15 if pecks were counted. I wonder if Huber is a good kisser...? I don't even like him. I just want to kiss him. I want to kiss Scotty too...actually I just want to cuddle with him

I also want to kiss Green. I dreamed about him recently. He asked me out and I had to say no because I was dating Alexx, I remember feeling like crap about it because in the dream I REALLY liked him. Then there was something about an airport...

Note : This blog wasn't supposed to be about kisses. In fact it was supposed to be about Jeffery and me daydreaming about him.

Sunday, February 24, 2008

You gotta reaction

I tried...I failed. I am tres discouraged in myself. I am weak, I am meek, I suck.
Couldn't even go one day being "broken up" or "on break" I wasn't wrong and I know it, but he made me feel that I was. That everything I did was wrong...ugh.

I wasn't wrong. There were no better solutions. [[light bulb]] drifting apart anyone? No, tried and failed that too. Not with him...but with Ray. Actually, I tried making Ray hate me, and I definatly don't want to do that with Kidder.

So at this point, we're still together, and if I still feel this way in a month or so, it's OVER. Period, dot the i's and cross the t's. O.V.E.R.
I swear...right?

I wasn't wrong...I wasn't. I WAS NOT WRONG.
was I wrong?

On the + side, I spent a really G O O D day with Kaitlin LeBlanc yesterday...as skeptical as I was to go with the girl formerly known as "psycho bitch" it turned out REALLY good and fun.
Despite her constant cursing and big mouth =)
We : went to the mall [[got glasses]], went to BAM [[admired various sex books, found out she was a virgin]], got our nails done...and saw The Eye [[which was awesome]] and all in all, had FUN. I actually will keep in touch this time.

Filed nails and painted them purple, feel much better about them. Feel fat but didn't gain weight, listened to Tainted Love and related [[ugh]] talked to Kidder and felt...strange. Listening to Smells Like Teen Spirit and can't understand a damn word...and yet Kurt Cobain was one of the most famous "troubled souls" on this planet...he sings like he has a mouth full of marbles.

Watched Alfred Hitchcock presents...Psycho. Creeped me out a tad, maybe because I'm reading about Ed Gein, the real life american Psycho. Ate bread pudding.

"Did I call you last night?" "yeah, told me you loved me" "and you said it back right?" "...yeah" "good it wasn't a dream" someone save me from my relationship. I'm only 15, I shouldn't be in this situation, I should be more mature...I feel, dare I say it, my own age.

I need to shower, but my lights are burned out, and I don't like the dark. It's funny to type with nails. Feels strange.
I'm done for now. Thanks.

Saturday, February 23, 2008

It's impossible

For the first time in our 7 month relationship I TRIED to break up with Alexx. Due to the fact that my father hates him, my guidance counsler thinks I should, he has no car, no education, and no job/money. So I did. I told him it was over and that I'd bring his things...then we decided that this was just a break. Then he came over and it was...nice (?) considering I spent all night contemplating what to do.

So I tried again to make it a break. Just until you get your GED, your car fixed, and a steady job. I don't know what happened there. "How can you leave me during such a hard time? Your all I have" and I couldn't do it.

I feel trapped in my own relationship, and I have no idea how to escape it. I wan to leave, but I don't. I just want a break and for whatever reason I can't do it.
I'm going to. Here and now, no matter what he says, we're going on break.

--- I did it. I told him we

Sunday, February 17, 2008

In this

A blog I am writing on Blogger.com at 3:54 p.m. on Sunday, Feb. 17, 2008, I, Natalie Gauthier am going to write [[or type rather]] all the things I think about important people in my life.

First I will start with the boyfriend, Alexander Lee Kidder.

Alexx: I love you more than words can describe. I don't care what others think, I know how much you mean to me. That's why it bothers me so much that you just DON'T CARE. Your smart and if you just tried you could have a very successful future. But you don't, your working at a dead end job that doesn't pay enough and you give little to no thought about your future. It's as if your soul has shrivled up and died inside of you. After your friends left it's like you did too. Your living, but not really. It kills me that you don't care. That your not going to college or even going to graduate high school. I feel like I'm dating a dead beat and I HATE that. I can't leave you because I fear what will happen to you if I do. You say I'm all you have left and it scares me that you mean it. I love you, I don't wnat to see you fail and if you keep acting the way you are that's what's going to happen. What happens when your mom kicks you out? You can't live in the jeep, but the sad thing is, that's where you will live once that time comes. You have to care eventually. If you don't give a damn about yourself, how can you give a damn about me? Or anything or anyone else. I want you to care about yourself as much I care about you. I hate that you won't. I think you need to grow up and face reality. You can't live in a shack in your moms backyard forever. You can't work at McDonalds your whole life. You know I won't stay with you if that happens. Not because I don't love you, but because I do have a future I'm pursuing...and if you don't get moving, you won't be part of it. Isn't that scary?

Next is Laura Gabrielle Saucier.

Laura: You are my best friend and I love you, but sometimes you drive me crazy. All year we've been close and I've never gotten mad at you. Until recently. I feel that you've lost all understanding of me and the world around you. Your living in your own head and it's as if - if people don't think exactly like you, you won't get anything. People aren't all the same, and they certainly aren't all like you. People think differently and it's like you don't understand that. People make their own decisions and sometimes they don't make sense to others. That doesn't make them stupid. I hate that you keep siding with Shelby, that your getting closer to her, I feel like your replacing me with her. And that's partly why I hate her. What she did to me and Alexx was wrong, but somehow you still manage to blame him for her actions. That's not fair. I feel that your trying to blame Alexx for the choices your sister made. I have my own thoughts and opinions and I am going to stand up for whomever I believe and the fact that you try to change my mind kills me and I just want to smack you. You've been getting annoyed at the world lately and taking it out on me and everyone else. You take everything I say and twist it and make it mean and horrible. You used to listen to me and not judge, now you tell me I'm whining and being stupid. What happened to Flooble? I feel that your changing somehow - and I don't like it.

Next is Shelby Nicole Fogleman.

Shelby: We used to be best friends, we used to be close. We talked about everything and listened to each others problems. Then you took our friendship and smashed it. You used things I told you - things I trusted you with - and used them against me. You took something that made me teuly happy, and tried to destroy it. You called me horrible things and spread lies about me...I was always there for you. I never told your secrets or used them against you. I joked about them and probably made you feel bad and for that I am sorry, but what you did to me and Alexx is unforgivable. You were a bad friend and you hurt people constantly. Your rude and mean and dishonest. And yet you try to call me a bad person? I was nothing but good to you. I helped you when you needed it, bought you things you didn't appreciate and gave advice when you asked for it. And all you did in return was hurt me. I am not going back into that ever again. I tried once after you wrote that thing about me and it didn't work. I'm finished now. I was never allowed to get mad at you but you could hate me all you wanted. It wasn't fair. We are no longer friends and I wish you could see that I hate you and just leave me alone. And you know what? Even through all that I stood up for you. I gave up our shot at Nationals because I didn't think it was fair to replace you because you can't afford to go. Yeah, I guess I am a bad person huh? Oh - by the way, Dylan WAS my date to MORP. Nick was yours...get over it.

Well, now I feel better. This didn't use up as much time as I would have liked but it feels good to vent. I wish I could tell Shelby and Laura how I feel about them, but they won't get it. I already told Alexx all this, but he doesn't care. None of it got through to him. Oh well...it's his life. I'm just part of it.

I hope Danny lets me drive to Marksville and More-o-ville...after I meditate and put on some pants. =)

Friday, February 15, 2008

( Hookie day )

Today is Friday, today I am not at school. This morning I woke up at 5:30 to beg my daddy to not make me spend one more day at that festering hell hole [[which I normally love]] because the past week has been utter shite. Which is odd, considering it was spirt week.

Yesterday was Valentines Day...and I don't think I've cried so much since my mother died. Why? Because I have never hated someone so much as I hated Mr. Lance that day...I've never wanted someone to die more. I do EVERYTHING he tells me to do in that class, I am constantly trying to impress him to get at least a C, and I volunteer when no one else will. And yet that FUCKER has the NERVE to sit me in the Twilight Zone and have me copy down questions on something I couldn't care less about because I'm not wearing the right shoes...I hate him. Honestly...I really do.

Besides that...people are SO stupid. Everyone [[well, a few]] have been so annoying lately that I just want to stab them. Including Laura, I don't know what my problem is with her. I think it's because through everything, I still feel that she's siding with Shelby. Whom might I add, has been hanging all over me...do I smell a plot? I knew I could take another day around them all...I needed a break. So I got one.

Big Drivers Ed. test tomorrow...I cannot fail. If I fail the test I have to take the ENTIRE course over. No No No!!!! I'm actually going to study...and this thought excites me, if I pass this test, and then the real test...I get my PERMIT, which ultimatly leads to my LICENSE, which means I can DRIVE!!!! [[well, legally]] If all the dumbasses on the road have passed that test, I know I can. I know it.

I feel like doing my nails and taking a long, hot, bubble bath...yes. A day for myself. No school, no Alexx, no dad...just me, my blog, my music, and my thoughts. Ahh

Happy birthday Megan!!! In just a few hours I will be maxing and relaxing with all the awesome Bunkie peeps at Megans birthday party...and I will have FUN. And I will not think about school or anything else upsetting. I will bounce and sing and dance and enjoy my life again.

This is just a slump and I WILL get back to my old self...even if it kills me.

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Teenage Crisis

"Megan, Simone, and Alleigh were shocked to find out that we..."
A list of people that know for sure :


Why do I care so much? I've told people too, it's as much my fault as it is his. I feel betrayed. I feel misunderstood. I feel hurt and confused and unhappy. I feel like I need to throw up.
I feel like I want to leave him. I feel that I hate him. I hate everything about him. I hate his smell, his face, his body, his car, his being, his EXSISTANCE.

I love him.
I want him to clean his room and wash his hair. Wash his clothes, go back to school, smell better, feel better, BE better.
Why can't I just love him for who he is? -I do.
Why do I want to change him? -Not him, things about him, hygene wise.

I need to talk to him. Now.
More later.

Later :
I talked to him...I cried, I whined. I almost left him. I think he cried, he begged me not to leave. He admitted he was wrong. It's all better.

So why am I not happy again?
I don't know...I am sad today. I miss my mom, I miss Ray, I miss Dylan.

I wish I had appreciated my mom more when she was alive. I wish I had loved her more and treated her better. I wish I could have been a better daughter. And now she's dead and I can never apologize to her. I'll never see her again. She's dead.

More later [[again]]