Tuesday, December 4, 2007

You think

It bothers me that you hate me? That I annoy you? Oh fucking well...I'm never even around you, you dumbass slut. It's not my fault you ruined your life and got pregnant for that immature bastard. You think your going to marry him and live happily ever after? Are you RETARTED? Wait, don't answer that, we already know. Everyone knows you and that idiot won't last.

Your a mean girl, your two-faced and rude and arrogant and stupid. You'll never amount to anything in life. Even without the baby, you'd still be nothing. Because your stupid. You just posted a bulletin saying you won't drop to your knees to make a boy like you...ha! and you called me a liar.

I have ugly, saggy boobs? At least I don't have a child nursing on mine. I made out with you and Lori that night because I was confused, but I'm not anymore. Your the mother who's STILL sexually confused. And your a bitch, I don't think anyone really likes you. You say no one likes me? Well I know for a fact your full of shit. However, you don't even get along with the boy you had a child with, your the one that fights and pushes away anyone who's ever tried to be nice to you. So what does that say about you Sara huh?

I annoy you? Big deal, get over it. I'm never near you. My boyfriend may not be the smartest, hottest one out there but at least he brushes his teeth and doesn't eat off the ground. At least he hasn't made out with 5 other girls while I watched. Alright? So stop trying to act all high and mighty and pretend your better than everyone else. Your not, your ugly white trash.

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