Monday, January 28, 2008

Kidder Lee

Six months and seventeen days.
Eclisped by Evans Blue and Hard to Concentrate by The Red Hot Chili Peppers
Fours years and one month - difference.

I love him. That's it, I said it. But sometimes I hate him. I want to leave him behind and never look back. I can't...

He's femine, arrogant [[sometimes]], ignorant [[sometimes]], insolant [[often]], pushy, and sometimes he can be a flat out jerk. But I can't stop loving him. I can't bring myself to leave forget.

He's sweet, funny, he cheers me up, he's cute and no matter what I do, I know he loves me back. There's so much more, but I just can't translate it into words. He completes me. Ha!

He's always pushing me to do things I don't want to do, and bringing me down, he makes me cry and feel just flat out lousy. But somehow, he makes it all worthwhile.

I can't imagine my life without him...and even when I'm crying because he's hurt me I can't think about living him. No matter how much I want to at the time, I just can't do it. I'll end up more upset if I think about leaving him.

No matter what other options cross my path, part of me knows that they will never compare to him. Despite what sweet things he tells me or how much he says he wants me, I know his feelings are not as true as Alexx's.

He tells me I'm beautiful, he tells me I'm perfect despite my flaws, he makes me feel wanted, desired. As much as I need him in my life, I know he needs me just as much in his. That's all I've ever wanted.

Sometimes I feel that I cannot trust him, that he doesn't understand a thing about me. He shoots down what I have to say and sometimes he makes me feel like a complete moron, but I know he doesn't think that way. He think I"m "fairly intellegent" and he knows I make good points. He once told me I should be a politician, and coming from Alexx, I take that as a complement.

I feel that he is eternally 10 sometimes, and I just want to slap him. He does stupid things and makes stupid decisions, and doesn't understand when to stop fighting and just why do I love him so much?

I can't even answer that question, there's just...something about him.

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