Friday, April 6, 2007

My Girls.

Catherine: The one to talk to. The one to trust. The one who cares what others think. This girl is awesome. She's great to talk to and hang out with. She's kinda preppy but that makes her Catherine. She's the one that tells you to shut up cause she's embarrased. She's the one that plans months ahead and hides everything. She has her annoying moments and at times you just want to slap her, but she's ours and we love her.

Shelby: The one to laugh with. The one to dance in the rain with. The one that's so hormonal it's insane. The one who wears her heart on her sleeve. She'll start crap with anyone who messes with us. She's the one that'll listen to you bitch and then make you laugh about the most ridiculous things. She insults you and slaps super hard but her good generally outweighs her bad so we love her too.

Natalie: The outrageous one. The one who gets the guy she doesn't deserve and doesn't care what anyone thinks about her. The one that will let you cry on her shoulder about anything and give advice because she's been through it all. The one that tells it straight up and doesn't sugarcoat. The "experienced" one. The bubbly one that gets along with almost everybody. She can be obnoxious and secretive but she's always there for her girls so we love her too.

Shelby, Natalie, and Catherine. We are the girls. We are like a walking book, we have so many inside jokes and stories that it's hard to keep track of it all. People think we're triplets cause we're always together. We've all been through our crap but we always know where to turn. We're loud, we're crazy, we're spontanious, we're cool in our own minds. We may seem alike but we are all toally different. We have our own stories to tell. We are The Girls.

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