Monday, May 14, 2007

Things are...

falling apart I fear...and i don't want to blame myself but I can't help it...I want to blame them...I think I've done nothing wrong...but majority rules and they outnumber me. I try to balence my time between them...and I feel I do it well...but they say I am wrong...blowing them off when I wasn't even invited. Screw that. He makes me happy...happier than I've been before and I will NOT ruin that right now. We have a meer 3 weeks (maybe summer too) together...and I have my whole life with them. t's not fair that they gang up on me...I've tried talking to them...apologizing...tryong to organize things for us to do...but nothing works. I know you NEVER ditch your girls for a boy but what happens if they ditch you for each other? I choose to just ignore the problem and go about things as normal as possible...but they won't let up. So Eff you guys...if he makes me happy that should be enough for you. As you as for him being your ex (of two damn days) you can just GET OVER IT. Because he's mine now. He makes me happy just to see him...I annoy you? Eff you...have you ever once stopped thinking about yourselves to think about the sake of US. I walk with him to classes...3 minutes a day...and yet I'm ditching ya'll??? When that one got sooo mad at be for planning to blow off you both WHEN I WASN'T EVEN INVITED TO GO?! How dare you! I wasn't GOING TO LEAVE YOU. I was going to meet up the next I could go on one of the FEW dates me and HIM get to even go on...and yet I'm doing something wrong??! I can't even SPEAK to you anymore without saying something wrong...if I'm happy it's annoying...if I'm upset I'm being overdramatic. You say you won't invite me because I'll either be talking to him or about can you assume something like that? We don't even talk over the phone much and I know it ANNOYS you BOTH when I talk about him...SO I NEVER/HARDLY EVER DO IT!!! So leave me...I'll have fun WITH him and WITHOUT YOU. because apprently that's what you BOTH screw it. I'm happy...FOR ONCE. Deal with it.